268 definitions by amanda


My younger, curly-haired boyfriend is my property- and he likes it.
by amanda November 14, 2003
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pigger & tooh

the accidental name of each of my special ladies .. hehe
by amanda June 24, 2003
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just the best store ver that has really cute clothes
-Hey,do you want to go shopping in Abercrombie?
-Sure they have the cutest clothes.
-I know totally.
by amanda February 16, 2005
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self orthocentered

its juss ur a nerdy self centered person
you are so self orthocentered!
by amanda July 17, 2003
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It is the way brits or brittish people spell the word favorite.
"That is my favourite colour!" says brit #1.
by amanda March 19, 2005
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Nasty. But replace the "ass" in nasty (n-ass-ty) with "arse".
That fat balding man is so narsty-looking.
by amanda May 22, 2003
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the lillies

being really really depressed and really really emo.
Girl, you got a case of the lillies today! Cheer the fuck up...
by amanda February 19, 2005
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