
The largest cocks cannot be restrained within clothing; smaller cocks are more perky and active; however, most cock handlers find larger specimens to be far more aggressive and difficult to handle.

For the most part, cocks are very easy to take care of. Cocks require little more than regular attention, stimulation, and petting, but they should always be provided with plenty of room in which to grow.

It should also be noted that cocks can vary wildly in size - two cocks which originally began as the same size can exhibit a wide variety of size and girth, especially when handled correctly and with care to allow them to thrive in their current environment.

Cocks are well known for their tendency to declare their territory each morning via a glorious, profuse expulsion (usually a crowing noise). Whilst more frequent at sunrise, this display is not limited to a particular time of day.

However, it is hard to deny each morning, the glory of witnessing a hardy young cock exulting its vigor for all to behold. This ritual is one of the lesser-known pleasures of the countryside, which leaves any viewers well spent from the glory of that morning's experience.

Cocks, in general, are not usually handled roughly; however, like most things, this depends on the particular needs and constitution of the individual specimen - some of the more temperamental breeds may require a little discipline on occasion (especially if the individual has a habit of wandering).
A cock is a chicken. The hell did you want? A penis?
by TerraByt3 June 25, 2021
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Zunk: I love Tim’s cock
Tim: thanks I love my chicken too
by Abul_From_Iseral November 18, 2020
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A rooster, what did you think you dirty minded cock
mmmmm, that cock has nice feathers
by Jerry the wanking dolphin December 16, 2018
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Why are you looking up cock for anyways?
Stop looking up cock on urban dictionary m8
by ChoKa LoKaq May 2, 2021
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A devise on men that doubles as a pool thermometer and a hot girl detector
Here let me use my cock to check the pool temp.
by JH May 12, 2014
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