452 definitions by YAWA

An inexplicable, curiously concerning behaviour frequently demonstrated by individuals with near-pathologic emotional, physical (and possibly spiritual) attachment to a specific vehicle, often a motorcycle--that, once relinquished either by sale or trade, creates such tremendous internal loss-aversion that any and all measures are taken to restore possession, often at financial detriment.
Ok, that's the FIFTH fuckin' time that he's either traded or sold that damn Harley only to chase down the new owner in remorse. Each time he's lost money, time and self-respect...but it sure is entertaining watching the motoreturnus profundus!
by YAWA May 6, 2017
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The too-tired-to-clean-up, middle-age female, after-intercourse byproduct that impacts a smooth, audibly amplifying surface during the inevitable morning bathroom piss-rush.
Damn! Did you hear those cum glops hit the floor?!
Yeah. I did. That itchy, sticky shit has been up inside of me for the last 8 hours.
Seems like you should be doin' some special exercises to maybe tighten things up a bit 'down there'.
Fuck you!
by YAWA April 27, 2022
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Then next step toward ever increasing human fragility, weakness and tolerance of genuinely poor behavior.
Yeah, everyone feels sad at times.

Some people do become clinically depressed and require medical treatment.

But just deciding that, as a professional athlete or Olympian, that you've become just too fragile to do interviews or compete for your country is generation soft.
by YAWA July 31, 2021
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People make all kinds of interesting choices in life--some lead to spectacular, unbelievable success, while others end in crushing, hopeless defeat. Regardless of the results, NOBODY wants to make the dumb-choice--a choice made with casual abandon, zero consideration for consequence and high-misery outcome probability.
Check it out. This guy's got it FUCKIN' MADE. Got the supportive family, private school education; cars, boats, exotic vacations, lotsa ladies...then he goes and makes the dumb-choice. The world then transforms into a very different place, unrecognizable from his previous life. He has no legal tender, no credit, no place to live and no options...HE'S FUCKED HIMSELF.
by YAWA June 28, 2019
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Any Halloween that does not fall on a Friday or Saturday, thus seriously compromising enjoyment and/or participation by those with work, school or other non-weekend time demands.
On a Monday! Really! OK, that was the worst Lame-O-Ween I can remember....the killer fake clowns didn't even show up!
by YAWA November 1, 2016
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An individual or organization that attempts to derive illicit financial benefit from the sale of misrepresented products or services during a global health crisis.
Yo! I got a whole truck load of N95 masks for sale. Here's a sample...
Dude, these things are made out of toilet tissue and rubber bands. You're a goddam Pandemic Profiteer....
Hey, they're better than nothin'. 20 bucks each...just don't get 'em wet.
by YAWA July 7, 2020
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The ever-growing ranks of civilian, wealth-driven Space exploration programs.
Hey, who was the latest entry in the AstroBillionaire club?
Ummm, I think it was Bezos? or maybe Branson?
by YAWA July 23, 2021
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