26 definitions by Woobie
besides Jerry Springer Maury hosts the best talk show. the funniest topic is the paternity tests because whenever the test comes negative there's always drama. other topics are fat babies, cheating husbands, man or woman?, etc.
Taniqua: Quatarius I know you the daddy. I only slept wit u and no one else.
Quatarius: *itch please, you's a skank ho. Always been partyin' & bein wit dem dudes.
Maury: Taniqua, are you sure Quatarius is the father?
Taniqua: Maury, I'm 150% positive he's Iesha's daddy. He gots the eyes, the chin, the earlobe...
Maury: When it comes to little Iesha, Quatarius, you are not the father!
Audience: OHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!
Quatarius: What now?! I told you! I told you! YEAH!
*~Taniqua runs backstage sobbing, Maury follows, Quatarius jumps for joy~*
Maury: It's okay. You're now one step closer to finding the father. Who's next on your list.
Taniqua: Well (sniff) Quatarius was #62. Kareem has to be the daddy!
Quatarius: *itch please, you's a skank ho. Always been partyin' & bein wit dem dudes.
Maury: Taniqua, are you sure Quatarius is the father?
Taniqua: Maury, I'm 150% positive he's Iesha's daddy. He gots the eyes, the chin, the earlobe...
Maury: When it comes to little Iesha, Quatarius, you are not the father!
Audience: OHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!
Quatarius: What now?! I told you! I told you! YEAH!
*~Taniqua runs backstage sobbing, Maury follows, Quatarius jumps for joy~*
Maury: It's okay. You're now one step closer to finding the father. Who's next on your list.
Taniqua: Well (sniff) Quatarius was #62. Kareem has to be the daddy!
by Woobie June 6, 2005
the very first phrase in Sir Mix-a-Lot's song "Baby Got Back" said by a white girl talking to her white friend talking about a black girl's butt.
by Woobie May 30, 2005
Ben Afleck + Jennifer Lopez = Jennifer Afleck.
by Woobie May 28, 2005
performing sexual relations with a corpse
Necrophiliac: C'mon you know you wanna perform necrophilia someday man. Remember, dead women never say no...
by Woobie October 9, 2006
Damn! This nigga Clinton is closest to ever bein a black pres! He did what he had to do to drop Hilary's ass and get wit Monica Lewinski.
by Woobie May 28, 2005
A beautiful metropolis located in center of the Hawaiian Islands. Located on the Island of Oahu, Honolulu is the Capitol of Hawaii. Tall skyscrapers, beautiful beaches, tourism, and much more. One of the best cities in the USA!
by Woobie May 31, 2005
Our only hope for a black president.
Bill Clinton was the closest to a black president, but Barack Obama is ACTUALLY black and our only hope.
by Woobie October 8, 2005