Person 1: “when I see you Ima beat tf out you”

Person 2: “Alr sob
by user1928 April 9, 2023
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acronym for

S- Son
O- Of (a)
B- Bitch

you stupid, SOB!!!!!! (when someone doesn't want to be too graphic by using the actual words)
by woobie October 10, 2005
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1) Son-Of-a-Bitch
2) word used to represent crying sounds
1) All the children in Springfield are SOBs (from the Simpsons)

2) sob sob
by Whale Watcher April 22, 2003
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son of a bitch

In other languages:

portuguese: FDP = Filho da puta
spanish: HDP = Hijo de puta
Vai toma no cu filho da puta
ustedes eres un cabron hijo de puta
you fucktar son a bitch
by hexa December 12, 2003
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Strictly only brothers
RBExSOB that's the gang BITCH!!!!!!!!
by November 25, 2017
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Semites On Bikes is the Motorcycle Club of the elite, non-stereotypical jews with SOB Panache.
Semites On Bikes (SOB)is a group of predominantly Jewish REFOB (reasonable facsimile of bikers)riding in the Baltimore County area of Maryland.
by V4Powered February 6, 2008
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