16 definitions by Sandi68

An insightful look into the life and accessories of soccer moms as portrayed on the talented website bearing the same name.
That new coach handbag on Kay is fresh skWeez'd.
by Sandi68 April 14, 2006
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Used in the medical field to describe the period of time before someone dies.
The patient in 537 has been swirling the drain all day.
by Sandi68 April 13, 2006
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A little slow on the uptake. One who is almost smart but yet, not quite.
Crazy or stupid.
One who takes a great nation and deep sixes it into oblivion.
The current president George W. is two fries short of a happy meal! Seriously!!
by Sandi68 April 14, 2006
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Used to describe someone who is simple, slow, retarded or lacking intelligence.
My ex husband and his new wife are a little slow on the uptake.
by Sandi68 April 14, 2006
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Assistants to the big cheese in the office.
The underling's job is to fetch my coffee in the morning.
by Sandi68 April 14, 2006
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Medical term used to describe where a patient goes after they die and leave the hospital.
Mr Jones has had an eternal transfer to the celestial care unit.
by Sandi68 April 14, 2006
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