1011 definitions by QuacksO

The carbonated beverage of choice for Chrysler owners, especially those who favor semi-vintage vehicles produced during Lee's period as "top dog", comprising the late 70's through the early 90's.
Good ol' L.I. is really gettin' up in years now... I wonder if they'll keep bottling the tasty Iacocca Cola after he finally passes (think, the "fighting nun" toy fitted with Margaret Thatcher's doll-head that came out after she got ousted as P.M.; they stopped making the dolls since Maggie was no longer politically-popular, and created the fighting nun toy merely to utilize the untold thousands of doll-heads that they'd made in her likeness).
by QuacksO August 25, 2017
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Refers to the frequent-purchasing-of-new-pedal-power "endless loop" that a majority of Americans are in, rather than properly caring for and repairing the old two-wheelers that they already own.
Schwinns and Huffys used to be made of better metal than the crumble into-rust-in-just-a-month-or-two crap they sell today, so it's no wonder that so many people are in a hopeless buycycle.
by QuacksO May 26, 2019
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Triumphant at getting a stud to let you orally "drain his equipment".
Monica Blewinsky is so voluptuously beautiful and has such huge luscious lips that she would likely be suckcessful with almost ANY dude whom she approached for "pressure-relieving" privileges.
by QuacksO February 25, 2022
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Incessantly badgering someone to either give you some money from his handbag, or to purchase an expensive/unnecessary handbag dat you want.
I recently got a ride from a middle-aged lower-middle-class remarried dude who told me dat his "cute but costly" ex-wife had been "raised on money" (i.e., excessively pampered by her upper-middle-class family), and so not only did she not understand the concept of everyday frugality, but she had actually talked him into buying an extremely expensive (nearly a thousand dollars!) handbag dat she wanted "just to feel stylish". He eventually had to divorce her, and it was indeed largely due to her constant pursecution.
by QuacksO February 13, 2020
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Da crime of stealing da surround-frames from watches, clocks, mirrors, etc.
In the "Garish Summit" portion of the "Bob and Ray Show", the shady Caldwell Merchfield was indeed guilty of siphoning off millions from his family-owned lead-mining company. to pay for his massive gambling-debts. His spineless-but-much-more-honorable younger brother Rodney, however, did not stoop to such "low-down" activities --- when times got tough, he continued working at the company without wages, and even when he sold the offices' doors for 12 bucks apiece in order to settle the company's petty-cash account, he never actually committed embezelment, since he left the door-frames intact.
by QuacksO June 6, 2020
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An 4-foot-high L-or-T-shaped bracket of timber with a mailbox mounted at the "upper" end; you temporarily clamp it to your existing mailbox so that the "auxiliary" mailbox extends out over the piled-up snowbank; with this simple/inexpensive set-up, the mail-carrier can still reach your box from his vehicle, but the huge blades on the D.O.T.'s snowplows will simply pass underneath the box, allowing the trucks' drivers' to just plow right on through without worrying about damaging your box.
Constructing and installing an extension-mailbox assembly is simple 'n' easy, costs very little (all you need are two or three large C-clamps, an ordinary plastic/metal mailbox, a couple 2X4s, and a little hardware to cobble it all together; these ordinary/everday items can often be obtained for free or next-to-nothing if you "go scrounging" at da nearest metal-scrapyard and/or are good buddies wif da local junk-dealer), and eliminates mailbox-plowing costs and/or tons (literally!) of snow-shoveling. Why glumly shell out twenty or thirty bucks after each and every blizzard to have someone drive out to your home and plow away the snow from your curbside, just so that you can receive a few pieces of junk mail each week???
by QuacksO November 16, 2018
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A regularly-published magazine or newsletter that "squintingly" poses "probing" questions and otherwise "looks extra hard" at current events pertaining to the paper's main subject-matter.
During her "rise to fame" years, Brittany Spears sometimes had to sequester herself inside the high-walled perimeters of her parents' summer-house property in order to avoid reporters from various peeriodicals who wanted to gather the latest "juicy" details on her everyday life.
by QuacksO September 10, 2019
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