42 definitions by Nicolai

'Machine pistol.' Precedes the number of certain weapon names.
by Nicolai February 15, 2004
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A member of the Roman Catholic medieval order charged with reclaiming Christian and Jewish lands in the middle east. Ages later, crusaders became more universally known as Christian warriors whom play a ceremonial role in protecting the Roman Catholic Church.
Reginald was a medieval crusader in the 1300s.
by Nicolai March 30, 2004
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The highest-ranking judge in a given judicial system in the United States of America, whom sits at the head of the Supreme Court for his or her jurisdiction. Each state has one chief justice, as does the federal government.
William Rehnquist is the current chief justice of the United States Supreme Court.
by Nicolai August 11, 2004
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A term used to describe an elected official (male) of the lower house of a state's congressional legislature.
After an arduous campaign, John became an assemblyman.
by Nicolai August 11, 2004
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A sea-based branch of the United States military that is jointly operated by the Department of Defense and the Department of Homeland Security. During times of war, they assist the Navy. During times of peace, their general duties include: border patrol, immigration control, environmental protection, search and rescue, and stopping drug trafficking into the Untied States.
Ensign Jones was part of the U.S. Coast Guard.
by Nicolai April 10, 2004
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A person that programs software.
Frank was a software engineer for Capital Gain Inc.
by Nicolai January 25, 2004
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