Physical damage. To "do a number" in an aggressive situation frequently implies hurting someone, usually a particular body part. For example a number is used in the phrases "I'm going to pop you one" and "a quick one-two" (in boxing).
by Balfdor June 13, 2007
Joe: So what happened with you and that girl at the bar?
Sammy: I got her number!
Joe: Sweet, you'll be banging her in no time!
Sammy: I got her number!
Joe: Sweet, you'll be banging her in no time!
by RexGibson March 11, 2004
Bill just broke up with his girlfriend and wanted to hook up with me, but I said no because I'm trying to keep my number down.
by linguishionista August 26, 2008
by Bo Cephus January 28, 2003
by Tropane May 17, 2006