13 definitions by Joshua James

Steve came over to help me build the deck, but he's about as useful as an arse full of roasted snow.
by Joshua James October 11, 2006
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A woman who berates her man for peeing without washing his hands even though he has only touched his dick - an object she doesn't think twice about popping in her mouth.
Look Emily, if you want to prove you are not a hypocrite, I'll go back in there and wash my hands.. then you go in there and suck on the faucet I just touched and see which one of us gets botcholism first.
by Joshua James October 17, 2006
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An impliment for removing skid marks from the toilet bowl. Manufacturers tend to stick to the retarded notion that it should be white.
Bill: I used the toilet brush the other day because I know you hate a messy bowl.
Anne: I know. I had to use your toothbrush to get the dried shit off the white bristles.
by Joshua James October 18, 2006
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Fuck me socks, often worn with fuck-me-pumps ( FMP )
God that girls such a slut, she's wearing FMS under her FMPs
by Joshua James October 18, 2006
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A communication protocol sometimes used to connect to internet servers from remote hosts.

Seldom used due to it's inability to display pornography.
telnet playboy.com
Connecting to playboy.com
login: hughhefner
password: ********

hughhefner % titties
titties: Command not found
by Joshua James October 12, 2006
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The person at the back of an anal sexual encounter. While the term is most often used as a derogatory reference to homosexual men, it can equally well be applied to lucky bastard straight guys who find women who will let them fuck them in the ass.
Why don't you go back to your constituents and keep the fuck away from my son, you fudge tunnel storm trooper
by Joshua James October 9, 2006
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The last section of a bowel movement that refuses to pass, instead coming to rest just inside the anus.

While not uncomfortable, the wiping process is greatly impacted. Unknown to the sitter their ass is clean, however, each wipe creates creates a slight relaxing of the sphincter which leads to light contact between paper and turd, making it appear that there is some mysterious and unexplainable trickery going on.
Jill: Who blocked the toilet with all this paper?
Ben: Sorry, I had a magic turtle.
by Joshua James December 4, 2006
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