what according to women should be down all the time, like someone is lifting it up for men when they have to take a piss.
by Slunjan July 18, 2008
An inconsistency in someone's characteristics, behaviours, beliefs or actions. Refered to as such because, like a toilet seat, they're always undecidedly "up and down" about whatever it is.
by D. Gould January 22, 2007
Noun. The left over hair on a male head after the balding process is complete. The hair on the back and sides of the head.
"Wow! I haven't seen Bob in years! He's got a full blown toilet seat!
by Domenico Tavella September 26, 2006
A phrase used for the act of relieving oneself while sitting on the spread apart lap of another individual while they, too, are relieving themselves on the toilet. The latter individual is then considered the 'toilet seat'. This is typically done in the woman on top position.
My boyfriend and I had to use the bathroom at the same time and couldn't hold it, so we ended up toilet seating.
by jazryo December 27, 2011
Sexual position with a difficulty rating of 10/10:
Man lies on back, Man pushes penis through legs so penis protrudes from the back of his thighs, Woman sits on mans bottom using the back of the mans calf's as a back rest and inserts penis into vagina or anus.
Man lies on back, Man pushes penis through legs so penis protrudes from the back of his thighs, Woman sits on mans bottom using the back of the mans calf's as a back rest and inserts penis into vagina or anus.
Guy1: Holy shit dude me and my girl just did the toilet seat.
Guy2: Dude... That's some serious cirque de solei shit.
Guy1: Shit yeah son!
Guy2: Dude... That's some serious cirque de solei shit.
Guy1: Shit yeah son!
by GaryOlson June 8, 2010
A Sexual Act: to place a toilet seat over your lover's head (specifcally one you don't like), then you proceed to have rough sex with her mouth (she probably wont be enjoying it), then when your done, you slam that seat down on her ugly hoe face.
by peter puffs the magic dragon July 11, 2008
A toilet seat is a person that is so incredibly messed up that you can do anything you want to them at any given time. Including making them into your human toilet seat.
Hey Joe, you see that dude over there rolling around on the ground tripping his face off?
Yeah I see him.
I am about to make that dude my toilet seat
This whole bar is FILLED with Toilet Seats tonight.
Yeah I see him.
I am about to make that dude my toilet seat
This whole bar is FILLED with Toilet Seats tonight.
by the dreidel October 25, 2013