67 definitions by JR


a device used for cooling a keg
the keg is in the kegerator
by JR November 10, 2003
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what vampires call a female woman
Mr. Reardon saw a hot looking femae in his bat cave.
by JR February 22, 2005
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ass mud

human turds, usually not in a toilet
i stepped into an alley to take a wizz and stepped in some bum's ass mud
by JR December 12, 2004
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when you get drunk enough to tell girls unflattering things about yourself,
you watch immature reality shows
you can't afford a cell phone

However, a buttering is only successful if she ends up calling u
"I was so completely buttered last night I told this girl Kristin that I sold sneakers for a living"
by JR December 2, 2004
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cock vomit

mindy got a face full of cock vomit
by JR December 12, 2004
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A phrase used in extreme circumstances when something unbeleivable has occured. Commonly used by Edinburger schemies who have moved to the Aberdonian pikey council estates. Phrase originates from down under where chavs cannot understand gravity and fall off the planet.
Holey moley lachlan doley!!! Is that Candice fae doon the road wi a new luminus pink hairbobble????
by JR March 30, 2004
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