67 definitions by JR


An uncontrolled meiotic division of a useless cell.
Breast cancer, lung cancer, colon cancer, testicular cancer, stomach cancer, etc.
by JR April 10, 2004
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1) shane's mom's dildo
2) shocker
3) JR
So we were looking for the breathalizer, and drew stumbled upon my(shane) mom's jackrabbit.
by JR February 8, 2004
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I'm hittin the bars EPdogan style.
by JR May 7, 2004
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Fire In the Hole

the thing you say after receiving a drink from any fast food drive threw and throw it back through the window
by JR November 10, 2003
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Manny Bombed

When a boyfriend takes a shit at his girlfriend's house an clogs her toilet leaving her to clean it.
*boyfriend* - Whats that noise?
*girlfriend*- (opens bathroom door) What the fuck?, u clog my toilet.
*boyfriend* - (laughing really hard) got manny bombed bitch.
by JR December 4, 2004
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as a friend

what a woman tells she likes you as when she is really saying "no fucking way".
"I like you as a friend though..." - Man being shot down by good looking woman.
by JR May 28, 2004
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