225 definitions by IrishRepublicanArmy

The real intent of the Fire Drill is to prepare the students of Fairfax High School for a real fire (i.e. people setting trash cans on fire). But it in reality, its just a social hour.
I didn't do my chemistry homework, but thanks to the fire drill, my teacher didn't have time to check.
by IrishRepublicanArmy December 12, 2003
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What I find surprising is how easy it is to get a driver's license in the Unites States (well, in Virginia, at least). First you get your learner's permit. This is sinfully easy, I spent two hours at the DMV waiting, and 10 minutes taking the tests. First there is a sign test, which I don't understand how someone who hasn't spent thier entire life in a barn could possably get the one question wrong to fail (there are 10 questions). Next is a "driving thoery" test, which is nothing more then common sense, however many people seem to fail that also. The next requirement is that you take classroom Driver's Education. All you have to do is sit through a boring class (you spend your whole school day doing it anyway), you will have a grand total of three tests and two homework assignments for the class, but people still fail this also. The third requirement is taking behind-the-wheel driver's education. ALL YOU HAVE TO DO IS DRIVE THE CAR. Listening to an adult is not hard, considering you won't have to drive with one in the car after this. But many people apperntly do not posses the motor skills/eye-hand correnadtion to 1) make a left turn 2) signal a lane change 3) PARK FOR HEAVEN'S SAKE 4) obey the speed limit 5) stay in your lane etc. etc. Finally you take the practical driving test, which is just like behind-the-wheel execpt the person in the right seat has a clipboard with your name on it.
I don't understand how people can think getting a driver's license in this country is hard. In other places, such as Europe, I could understand, because in places like that you actully have to prove that you know how to drive a car.
by IrishRepublicanArmy March 13, 2004
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a highway for high-speed traffic, with few or no intersections and a divider between lanes of traffic moving differant directions
Interstate 66 is an expressway

theres your example, long enough for you>>>??!?!?!?!
by IrishRepublicanArmy January 2, 2004
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Radio term for "extended distance".
What "extended distance" really is could be 100 miles, 1000 miles, 10,000 miles, it is pretty grey as to an exact number or distance.
11-meter pirate radio operators use the frequency of 27.555 MHz (27555.0 kHz) for DX calling.
by IrishRepublicanArmy December 23, 2003
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radio modulation techique where information (usally voice or music) is added to the signal and changed by varying the freqeuncy of the transmitter. FM is the most commonly used modulation for radio signals techneque above 30 MHz.

the term "FM" is also used to refer to the broadcast band from 88.1 to 107.9 MHz, using that same modulation mode.
FM signals have less static because changes in frequency do not pick up interferance that AM-modulated signals do.
by IrishRepublicanArmy October 17, 2003
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The RadioShack DX-397 is based off the SG-344 shortwave and AM/FM radio. It pretty much owns any other analog radio out there.


"MW": 0.530 to 1.710 MHz
"SW1": 4.390 to 5.180 MHz
"SW2": 5.720 to 6.330 MHz
"SW3": 7.000 to 8.050 MHz
"SW4": 9.200 to 10.020 MHz
"SW5": 11.350 to 12.250 MHz
"SW6": 13.250 to 14.290 MHz
"SW7": 15.000 to 16.050 MHz
"SW8": 17.300 to 18.180 MHz
"SW9": 18.700 to 19.250 MHz
"SW10":21.200 to 22.300 MHz
"FM" (yes it gets FM)
88.0 to 108.0 MHz
DX-397 ownage!
by IrishRepublicanArmy November 18, 2003
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Something that does not make sense
Wow, 99.9% of all the definitions on this website are incoherent
by IrishRepublicanArmy December 5, 2003
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