40 definitions by Hixxz68

Passive behaving 21st-century males, low testosterone, apathetic phone-wielding knuckle draggers whose mindset is indecisive, lacking leadership qualities waiting for X chromosomes to tell them what to do.
I don't even know why we were trying to get Dano to a golf course; he is so Betabase it's beyond clearing shit with his mom or wife now; he's emasculated and in a state of transfixed paralysis.
by Hixxz68 June 21, 2023
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When you're in a conversation with somebody who's on their phone, and there's this uncomfortable delay similar to when you're watching a streaming show, and there are the "three dots" that show up, and the show is delayed and buffered because you're waiting for a connection, the same thing happens in a conversation with somebody focused on there phone, the dialogue is choppy and has no flow.
I was having a chat with my honey about some interesting subject matter, and for some reason, the conversation wasn't flowing; that's when I realized she was on her phone; I was unaware we were having a bufferedtalk,
by Hixxz68 November 7, 2022
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A millennial generation participant who acts and behaves similar to a Drone. Their behavior is distant, vacant, devoid of personality, the overall energy is reminiscent of a drone hovering off in the distance.
It was pretty remarkable after interacting with Kevin, very little eye contact, monotone voice, zero personality he's definitely a Millennial Drone.
by Hixxz68 May 10, 2019
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This generation does not resonate with the term "marriage material" but is looking for a way to filter to their ideal mate. Many people have a pipeline of people dating in an uncommitted fashion. Hence, an excellent way to cut through all the noise is to have criteria that prioritize their selection to one person. Bunkerworthy is which of these people from your pipeline of Instagram, Match.com, Tinder, or Grinder that you would bring and lock yourself in the bunker during the apocalypse for a two-year minimum period. Who will add value, not get on your nerves, and supply some much-needed sexy time?
I was chatting with my son at lunch, and he was saying that he was dating this girl and that girl, and they all seemed like clones of each other, so I had to draw a hard line and ask which one was Bunkerworthy.
by Hixxz68 October 31, 2022
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The penultimate BETA: the beta male mistakes themselves for an alpha male, and the contradiction is so apparent they unknowingly become an Apex beta.
Schwartz believes he is the master of his domain but when it comes down to it he avoids confrontation, is submissive, emasculated, and cucked by his ex-wife Katie, he is the poster child of a Masturbeta.
by Hixxz68 May 22, 2023
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This is typically a work-related event that you know you have a real good time. Still, you need to tell you're significant other that this is a mandatory work event where there are networking opportunities with centers of influence, also the potential for political gerrymandering, but primarily it's just a good time.
Nancy has been out multiple times this week, but she wasn't going to miss this critical work event and decided to go even though she is tired. The trick is going to be in explaining to her main man Dutch that this wasn't just another Mandatory Party Time.
by Hixxz68 November 24, 2019
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It's when a Generation X population member behaves like ones of the Millennial generation.
David had a meltdown and felt entitled to help over a problem he was having, for a 40-year-old mature man he surely exhibited some GillennialX behavior.
by Hixxz68 July 26, 2018
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