by hamada November 25, 2006
1. To twist together or entwine into a confusing mass; snarl.
2. To be or become fixed or embedded in place
2. To be or become fixed or embedded in place
by Anonymous March 5, 2003
"What's the matter?"
"I'm just remorsing over what I did last weekend...I never should have drank that vodka.."
"I'm just remorsing over what I did last weekend...I never should have drank that vodka.."
by DanceCrier April 16, 2008
rɪˈmors noun:
1) An uncomfortable sense of gnawing guilt, or deep regret for a past misdeed that can easily be avoided by not giving a fuck.
1) An uncomfortable sense of gnawing guilt, or deep regret for a past misdeed that can easily be avoided by not giving a fuck.
I briefly felt a tinge of remorse after sleeping with your wife, but then I thought "who gives a fuck?"....and went to the bar for a beer and karaoke.
by Shane C Gray June 17, 2012
1. Tim: Wow. Look at what that guy is doing out of that broad.
Brad: Yeah man, that guy has no remorse for her.
2. Brian: Hey! Have you ever heard No Remorse by Metallica?
Danny: Hell yeah! That song is awesome. I believe the chorus riff was the inspiration for the song in Doom's first level?
Brian: Yeah, that's true.
Brad: Yeah man, that guy has no remorse for her.
2. Brian: Hey! Have you ever heard No Remorse by Metallica?
Danny: Hell yeah! That song is awesome. I believe the chorus riff was the inspiration for the song in Doom's first level?
Brian: Yeah, that's true.
by Jordan Stevens March 4, 2008
remorseful meaning re·morse·ful
Learn to pronounce
adjective: remorseful
filled with remorse; sorry.
Learn to pronounce
adjective: remorseful
filled with remorse; sorry.
by LilJDUB71 November 11, 2019
The last remaining piece of food after a meal (usually dessert) that no one wants to take for fear of appearing rude or too eager.
by Ivlivs April 18, 2010