52 definitions by Dom


white ass redhaired fag
that kid alex blalock is the biggest warf ive ever fuckin met!
by Dom March 2, 2005
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An uncharacteristic error, usually made by the goalkeeper or defensive line whilst playing FIFA that generally leads to conceding a goal.
Guy 1: Check out this awesome backheel to my keeper...
Guy 2: Haa burrrn! Blunderbuss! Blunderbuss! You've got a one way ticket on the Blunder Bus.
Guy 2: Eat a dick.
by Dom January 22, 2013
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Forget it that scratch is dink as hell! He/She will never notice.
by Dom February 4, 2004
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A person or persons that stereotypically fall into the category of being a emo kid
yo home boy, look at that emoid over there with his girly black fringe, lets bust a cap in his ass.
by Dom November 12, 2004
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The Todote you sold me refuses to mate with the female Lama on my farm
by Dom February 22, 2014
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his nine is tiny
by Dom February 19, 2003
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A term used to describe the antics of a man when he goes without sexual intercourse for many days or weeks in a derogitory sense. This activity can be performed more then once per day, however, in doing so energy will be lost.
Roger had no girlfriend, so he was a swafe
by Dom March 16, 2004
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