52 definitions by Dom


Dog's (or Donkey's)

Used as a euphemistic TLA
This new MSN7 really sucks BDC
by Dom April 16, 2005
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anythang and everythang fo sho!
Boovenchuffy! meaning cool,in a good way, or damn!in a good or bad way
by Dom November 15, 2003
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simple plan

a decent Canadian band that people love to make fun of.
by Dom May 20, 2004
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Synonomous with God and / or Jesus
Holy Shit! Its Inoue! Lets all bow down to him!
by Dom March 16, 2005
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white ass redhaired fag
that kid alex blalock is the biggest warf ive ever fuckin met!
by Dom March 2, 2005
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An uncharacteristic error, usually made by the goalkeeper or defensive line whilst playing FIFA that generally leads to conceding a goal.
Guy 1: Check out this awesome backheel to my keeper...
Guy 2: Haa burrrn! Blunderbuss! Blunderbuss! You've got a one way ticket on the Blunder Bus.
Guy 2: Eat a dick.
by Dom January 22, 2013
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stamp method

the lick and stick or you eat her pussie and then u fuck her or visa versa
Person one: Little Johny used the stamp method on Sally!
Person two: Its about time that boy got some pussy
by Dom December 20, 2004
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