
A sperm whale diving into a fat woman's pussy
Dude did you see chad, he just Blalocked Carrie
by 08gmc421 April 14, 2015
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Jolene Blalock

The actress who plays T'Pol in Star Trek ENT. She and her lesbian sidekick, ensign (meaning fuckable) Hoshi Sato, together made ENT into TNT for our dicks.
Long live princess Jolene Blalock. May her body stay hot and sexy for forever.
by Bad C dev February 27, 2021
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andre blalock

A cool basketball player that be litt af and have all the girls on him funniest person ever
Andre Blalock is a nice brother to his sister Tionna
by Tuckey b June 16, 2017
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Mr blalock

Weird creepy pervert teacher who eats little children
“Y’all children are looking thicc today!”~mr blalock

“HURRY! Hide your knee caps Mr blalock is going to eat your knee caps”
by Old saggy balls October 21, 2019
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Huge pussy that is most likely a virgin. Some think he pulls but that is because he is a faggot.
"That kid is gay, he is definitely a Blalock"
by UnicornCock222 June 11, 2021
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