52 definitions by Dom


A term used to describe the antics of a man when he goes without sexual intercourse for many days or weeks in a derogitory sense. This activity can be performed more then once per day, however, in doing so energy will be lost.
Roger had no girlfriend, so he was a swafe
by Dom March 16, 2004
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The Todote you sold me refuses to mate with the female Lama on my farm
by Dom February 22, 2014
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his nine is tiny
by Dom February 19, 2003
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nob end

dumn shit who is a total wanker
by Dom March 21, 2003
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The process of increasing global independence between nations. It involves the increasing intergration of firms and economies and with individual firms competing with all other firms in the world economy driven by the desire for profit.
by Dom September 5, 2003
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Fidel Castro

Revolutionary leader and liberator of Cuba from Batista. After a failed military coup he was arrested, made his (in)famous speech ending with the words; "history will absolve me"
sentenced for 26 years but released after 2; went on to start second revolution and liberate the people.
Fidel Castro? doesn't he have an engine-oil named after him?
by Dom January 24, 2005
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1.Holy resting place of King Arthur
2.Trashy holiday park in Cornwall
1.Medieval knights often sought Avalon in their quests for the holy grail
2.clue's in the title
by Dom February 11, 2004
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