
I love that dessert, it is everythang for me!
by zomizeolota December 29, 2018
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you got me stirred up or "trippin" on everything. basically you have someones mind screwed up.
1. How bout that trick wanna fight me
1. yahh i dnt know what imma do
2. Dawg you got me trippin on everythang about this chick... Who is she we gone get her
by bossman229 March 16, 2009
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a. Inclusive of every nook, cranny, high, low, and hidden place
b. Limitless unbarred access

c. Withholding nothing
b. Not just and invitation for inclusion, as the word everything implies
Having rights as an heir, Sundria was in on everythang!
by Minister Sunshine July 31, 2022
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