52 definitions by Dom


Yeah right! I dont pay for anything i gripped it.
by Dom February 4, 2004
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to be very nooster like
she is looking so nooterific
by Dom February 19, 2003
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A massive dump that is raunchy, very liquidy, and explosive
Man that taco bell gave me massive rentaria
by Dom August 8, 2003
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Salad Tossing

To Toss someones salad is to explore the anal cavity (clean or dirty) whatever your fancy, and gyrate your tounge is a circular licking motion in on, and around the anus, rimming with such affection in the "Salad" - hence the term "Toss my Salad" or kissing starfish
Very Work Friendly-
Hey Brian, can you take my shift on Friday? I don't know Darren, Can u Toss my Salad?
- In front of family- I'll do the dishes if you "toss my salad"
by Dom April 9, 2005
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1.lord of the thundercats
2.a hot guy
1.tygra was in trouble but liono saved him
2.that bloke was a right liono
by Dom February 3, 2004
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Mad whoor Ironing freak!
Lives off Irn Bru and leftover Stovies
I wanted my pants Ironed so I mags'd them
by Dom April 19, 2005
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whale eye

a slang term for ur anus not ur ass
by Dom February 4, 2004
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