38 definitions by Delf

A war that took on between Zanarkand and Bevelle, 1000 years ago from the events of FFX/1002 years ago from the events of FFX-2. It was 100% assured that, from the start, Bevelle would've won.

The info on this war is quite...huge. Refer to Maechen in FFX, or to GameFAQs' FAQs and/or Message Boards.
The War of Machina

Never In A Theater Near You
by Delf January 7, 2004
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Clever individual who steals from the riches, and gives to himself. Very great in finding the weaknesses in his enemies AND friends to steal them easily.
Favorite RPG Command: FLEE
Thief just stole from an entire town. Again.
by Delf June 23, 2003
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Once a civilian of Zanarkand, 1000 years ago, during the infamous era of the War of Machina between Zanarkand and Bevelle, Shuyin tried to protect a woman he loved---Lenne---by infiltrating Bevelle Underground and trying to activate the strongest machina there, hoping to destroy Bevelle. Change of plans at the last minute, both Shuyin and Lenne died during this event. Shuyin came back, corrupted by his hatred, 1000 years later. His appearance is somewhat similiar to Tidus, although there are, in truth, few differences that betrays their ressemblence.
Shuyin is really screwed up.
by Delf January 5, 2004
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A character from a fictional video game or book, who does not directly and vocally interacts with others. They still talk, only, we cannot HEAR/READ what they say, but other characters do. Sometimes, you can actually read or hear their thoughts. While silently interacting, they move their body, such as nodding, or bowing their heads.
Isaac from Golden Sun, Crono from Chrono Trigger, Serge from Chrono Cross, Ryu from Breath of Fire 1/2/3/4, etc.
by Delf June 23, 2003
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An obnoxious, retarded and somewhat defective AIM user who will sometimes shift unpredictably from a coherent form, to an insane, immature, childish and limitlessly irritating phase.

See also: Am Not Slave
Teh Fopster is an idiot, but we got rid of him. Good riddance. Oh, and his name's Andrew.
by Delf September 24, 2006
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A summoner from Zanarkand, 1000 years ago, Shuyin's love interest. During the War of Machina, she was sent in Zanarkand's frontlines to battle against Bevelle. However, because of Shuyin's intrusion inside Bevelle, she, alone, went to stop his foolish actions---which were to be made to protect Lenne---and died, along with him, shot down by Bevelle soldiers. The Dressphere "Songstress" in Final Fantasy X-2 contains her memory, and her dancing skills, and so on.
Lenne and Yuna look a bit alike...
by Delf January 7, 2004
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The "praetor" (or leader) of New Yevon in the events of Final Fantasy X-2. He is wise and somewhat mysterious, considering his few appearances. Later, it is found that the unsent Shuyin took over Baralai's body and controlled him up to Vegnagun.
Baralai looks cool. He talks like Sean Connery though.
by Delf January 5, 2004
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