80 definitions by DON

A term used to describe the bounty left by the anus through defication.
"Here I sit, same as ever,
took a dump, pulled the lever.
The toilet clogged...the water flowed,
look out world, it's a motherload."
by DON January 17, 2003
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Fry Sauce: A mixture of ketchup and mayonaise for dipping french fries (Freedom Fries at U.S. Congress Commisary). Created by a regional burger joint, Artic Circle in the 1960 with most locations in Utah and Idaho.

Became a regional mainstay of almost all fast food resturants and home in Utah and Idaho.
Utahn: "I want fry sauce, not ketchup, with my order"

Zitfaced Order Taker in Utah : "Do you want fry sauce with that?"
Out of State Customer: "What? What the hell is fry sauce?"
by DON August 7, 2004
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A conservative who has not been mugged yet.
He wont be liberal after he gets his ass kicked by a loose druggie.
by DON April 8, 2005
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scrt is a word that is used to describe many things. Its primary meaning is for when ur going a 120 mph on the highway and then deside to pull the ebreak...the second meaning is one that basically says that u can use the word scrt in replacement for anyother word...
primary definition: ya i was drivin on route to in my e class then i descided to scrt
secondary definition: ya so she was on the phone with me and i was all scrt
by DON April 7, 2004
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A Cunt. Derived from the swivel eyed chairman who turned the great club of Wimbledon into Franchise FC
The Koppel stole my club!
by DON August 10, 2004
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when a man's cock is extremely soft, enabling his girlfriend, or anyone he chooses, including himself, to play with it, flopping it around from side to side, up or down, and enjoying the flaccidity by squeezing
you cock is so floopy! it's so much more fun than when it's hard...
by DON March 8, 2003
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