Having no emotions,
He laughed at the crippled man who fell down, that's cold.
by sk January 7, 2003
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Adjective, meaning, basically, 'really good, great, talented, awesome, grand, unreal, totally kick-ass, etc.'

1. "Sheeeeeih! That track's muthafuckin' cold!!!!!"

2. "Boy cold!" (could be reference to a star football player, athlete, artist, etc.)

3. "Who cold?" (self-referential, rhetorical question)

4. (Sometimes the 'd' is left off the end of the word, for brevity/coolness' sake, still pronounced with the same long 'o' sound) - as in, "Shit Nigga, he col'!!!!Muhfucka col!!!!!!!" -->(this last one screamed at 110 decibels).
by Trypsamuthafuckintronic November 9, 2005
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Better than cool
To be cooler than cool
The coolest level of cool
Jenny: I'm so cold, I'm rocking this jacket.
John: Nah, it's a nice jacket, but it ain't cold.
by Boberina S. February 15, 2005
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an annoying and contagious illness that causes sniffling, sneezing, coughing, and other symptoms
Mike couldn't come to the party because he was sick in bed with a cold.
by Chelleyyy March 19, 2006
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what a girl says she is when she wants to snuggle :
Girl: I'm cold..
Boy: Here, I'll give you my jacket
by roflroflcopterrrrrrrrrr April 5, 2009
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1. A temperature that feels ths opposite of hot.
2. Symbolic for death (mainly in music)
3. Mean, cruel, uncaring, unempathetic
4. Numb
5. Sociopathic
"Everyday we all get colder"- Lostprophets
by Celestasia May 10, 2005
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v. used to describe something awesome or nice ; something worthy of hatin
That's a cold ass jacket
by Janay March 29, 2004
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