80 definitions by Don


Big Smile On Face
A response to a massage that makes you feel good.
by Don February 2, 2005
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grand tetons

Used by lonely, horny French beaver trappers in the American frontier to descibe a. a range of large pointy, snowcapped mountains in modern day Wyoming; b. the mountains where the trappers first took a mountain goat to wife;
"Ou la la, Pierre! I am missing my girlfriend so much. Those mountains are like her Grand Tetons!"

"Ou la la, Madame Le Goat! Give me some of your Grand Tetons!"
by Don August 5, 2004
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A condition usually found in older people in which shit and piss on themselfs.
Redneck: "Nurse! Get a hose! Granpappy shit hisself"
Nurse: "He has been incontinent since he arrived 20 years ago, what do you expect?"
Redneck "Incontinental? I did not know you had incontinental breakfast in here."
by Don August 13, 2004
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pink wish

Refers to someone wishing for pussy.
That boy always has the pink wish on his mind.
by Don September 25, 2006
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you dirty "blood_stained_II"
by Don December 1, 2003
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A term used to describe the bounty left by the anus through defication.
"Here I sit, same as ever,
took a dump, pulled the lever.
The toilet clogged...the water flowed,
look out world, it's a motherload."
by Don January 17, 2003
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When you need to take a crap and you let out a fart that smells exactly like crap.
by Don December 2, 2003
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