73 definitions by Croatalin

The British meaning of 'lunting' is to walk whilst smoking a pipe. Lunting is used by pipe smokers as a means of relaxation or easing stress. In addition Lunting can also mean emitting smoke or steam or the act of lighting a fire, torch or tobacco pipe.

Dating from around 1540 - 1550, the origin is believed to be from the Dutch word 'lont' meaning a slow match or fuse or possibly the Middle Low German 'lonte' meaning a wick.
"Sod this for a game of soldiers, I'm takin' me pipe and going lunting!"
by Croatalin December 4, 2013
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English slang from the South-West, it means to try to cry in order to evoke sympathy. Usually practised by children under ten in order to try to gain concessions from parents.
But Mum, everyone else is going!
Well you're not, so stop your crinting and live with it.
by Croatalin February 1, 2014
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1) To get high smoking marijuana, derives from pot one of the alternative names for marijuana.
2) To be really drunk, derives from pot, the Australian slang for a beer glass.
3) To be fired from your job, possibly because of one on the two preceding definitions or maybe both.
4) British Army slang, to shoot and kill an enemy combatant, derives from the old hunter's expression 'one for the pot', referring to a rabbit, pigeon shot and killed.
5) Buried, derives from the slang for burying the victim of a hit, by extension it is applied to someone who has received a put down so vicious that they are figuratively dead and buried.
6) Fish, especially conger eel, cooked by simmering in vinegar with herbs and spices.
1) I don't what that stuff was, but three tokes and I couldn't find my ass with both hands, totally potted!
2) Bruce broke up with Sheila, so 'is mates took him down the pub an' got 'im potted.
3) Joe called his boss a wanker and got potted.
4) You know that sniper that's been giving us trouble, Jimmy's potted the bastard.
5) Did you hear what that bitch said to him? Man she totally potted him.
6) What's for tea? Potted conger? Great!
by Croatalin November 23, 2013
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Us Army slang meaning Rest and Rereation, Rest and Recuperation or Rest and Relaxation. The term was certainly used during the Korean and Vietnam Wars but most likely dates from World War Two.
Get your gear packed! e got a pass for 48 hours R 'n R in Saigon!
Number One!
by Croatalin December 6, 2013
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Sycophancy is the fawning behaviour of a a servile self-seeking snotrag who attempts to win favour by flattering and pandering to influential people. A person who does this is known as a sycophant or more informally as ass-kisser, crawler, toady, lackey
apple polisher, bootlicker, fawner, groveler, groveller, or truckler
by Croatalin January 10, 2014
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Besides all the usual meanings, it has a meaning in engineering as well. A bastard is a type of coarse-toothed file.
Conversation in the stores.
"Hi, I need a file."
"A half-round bastard?"
"No, a little triangular fucker."
by Croatalin December 20, 2013
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The literal meaning is 'one who eats faeces'; at one time French beef farmers used to feed their cattle human faeces as a cheap food and because the substance contains large amounts of partially digested cellulose, resulting in coprophagic cows. Coprophagic behaviour is also exhibited by dogs under certain conditions, but can be prevented by feeding them tinned pineapple.

The use of the term has expanded, however, to mean a person, can be male or female, who is not very bright but is always smarming round the boss. The sort of behaviour exhibited is laughing excessively at the smallest joke; apparently sharing the same interests and hobbies as the boss; getting the boss tea or coffee without being asked; sending the boss birthday and Christmas cards often with a small gift attached. In short the sort of behaviour that makes you think if the boss crapped on their desk, this person would eat it anbd swear it was ice cream. These people are usually poor performers and it's only their relatioship with the boss that stops them from being potted.

It is quite safe to call these people 'coprophage' to their face as they won't know what it means and won't have the initiative to look it up.
Malcolm's just given the boss a big Christmas card and a present, so I told him he was the perfect coprophage. The twat looked at me as if I'd just paid him a compliment!
You did, nothing about that wanker is perfect.
by Croatalin March 27, 2014
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