
Malcolm’s a nice dude, he falls for someone hard but rarely. He’s been hurt before and still tries to see the best in that person. He’ll give you second chances even when you don’t deserve it. And if you’re reading this Malcolm, I’m sorry.
Malcolm, I’m sorry..
And yes it is me dumbass
by s-human February 6, 2020
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A kind, loyal, respectful guy. Lead by his heart and loyalty. Always has a smile on his face and puts everyone before him. Never gets upset and sees the good in everyone. Always has something positive to say and will be there if you need him. A big hearted big guy with a lot of faith. His big heart and loving nature allows him to make deep connections with everyone he meets especially kids. Very attractive and good lucking guy. Very tall and fit. His smile can brighten whole room. Tends to think less of himself but he is the light of a lot of peoples day.
The person who marry's a Malcolm will be really lucky.
by ema20 March 11, 2020
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Malcolm is the most funniest guy you will come across he can be annoying sometimes but he is the most truthful friend in your life. He is also sexy he will get any girl any day. Malcolm love the wild life and love to adventure out the out back. Never get on his bad side because he gets really Angry and is not afraid to punch you. But he won’t punch a girl.
by ThAt-_-TwIn June 18, 2019
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Super handsome and cute. Smart as well. He is awesome and you should take him as a good example
Malcolm is my idle
by Massapequa May 30, 2018
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Malcolm’s a nice dude, he falls for someone hard but rarely. He’s been hurt before and still tries to see the best in that person. He’ll give you second chances even when you don’t deserve it. And if you’re reading this Malcolm, I’m sorry.
Malcolm, I’m sorry..
And yes it is me dumbass
by s-human February 6, 2020
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The opposite of a catalyst, a Malcolm will act as a retardent to any process, slowing it to the point where the rate of advancement of any task is almost immeasurably slow.
The job was running on schedule but, since we started using Malcolm, we're not even anticipating an end date anymore.
by Fles November 30, 2010
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The neighborhood creeper. Very funny and friendly, but sometimes a little too friendly...
Dear Lucia,

This morning I logged on to facebook, to gladly see that I have received 12 notifications. Although, I was not glad to see that approximately 8 of those notifications were from you liking my comments or posting in a group. Therefore, I have decided to comment rape you, which is probably why you are going to have like 20 notifications.


Lucia- great

Malcolm- ok im done. how many notifications was that?

Lucia- 40. i hate you.
by mccauleycaulkin :D July 3, 2011
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