by NetFreak April 13, 2005
Shortform for "headquarters".
Officer Smith: We've got some new orders from HQ -- we are to proceed with caution to the bank at East and Main.
Officer Jones: 10-4
Officer Jones: 10-4
by rapmasta April 21, 2004
by tvxq fan September 22, 2005
Half-Quart. A half of a quarter of an ounce. ie. 3.5 grams. Almost always in reference to a half-quart deal of marijuana. (also known as an 1/8 ounce)
by Diego September 29, 2003
by jarret141414 October 14, 2008
A Person, place or thing that is the resting place for all knowledge. Also known as central location to ideas that are invaluable.
by HQ101 February 29, 2008
by milkinoom January 5, 2021