73 definitions by Croatalin

A handkerchief or tissue. Implicit in the word is that the handkerchief or tissue has been used and that the product within it is particularly vile, greasy, and slimy; the result of diseased sinuses or a severe nasal infection. By extension the word can be used to describe a person having the same qualities, an obnoxious, slimeball whose very presence makes people nauseous.
Gordon's tried to cop off with Alice again.
Fuckin' snotrag needs a good smack in the chops.
by Croatalin November 21, 2013
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STRictly ACcording (to regulations) an epithet applied to officers and NCOs who 'go by the book' and seem totally unable to think for themselves. The military equivalent of a Jobsworth, frequently linked with REMF.
Frequent complaint from the Vietnam War, "That STRAC REMF insisted we polish our boots before going out into the boonies to hunt Charlie"
by Croatalin August 18, 2013
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This can also be ripped her a second asshole. Originally this phrase meant to attack someone with vicious and overwhelming brutality but, over time the meaning changed to become to reprimand someone so totally and effectively that it effectively destroyed them. If you have ripped him (or her) a second asshole you have administered the ultimate put down.
Jay, you know that wanker Malcolm ruined the design for the new website? Well the boss called him into his office and ten minutes later Malcolm came out, he was pale and shaking and I think he'd pissed himself! The boss sure ripped him a second asshole and on top of that he got potted!
by Croatalin December 1, 2013
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A phrase used in Britain to denote the belief, by certain vested interest groups, that British society as a whole discriminates against minorities. These groups can represent ethnic, religious or other minorities or be just professional bleeding hearts but they all promote the same bullshit, namely, that an action taken by society against a member or members of a minority group automatically infringes their human rights. This has led to the ridiculous situation where members of various minorities get away with acts that would see a member of the largely silent majority jailed. This is due to greedy lawyers and waste of space organisations who mindlessly support these people often at huge cost to the British taxpayer.

Unfortunately minority pressure groups like Liberty, professional bleeding hearts and all the other wasters who are BVA have pressured politicians into the belief that this is a vote winner. In fact, if politicians merely gave the matter a few minutes thought (there's an oxymoron politician and thought) they would realise that they are placing the needs of a minority above those of the majority. Effectively they have been brainwashed into a Minority Mentality.
In a recent British court case, the judge allowed the defendant to wear a burka in court, despite the fact that there is no religious requirement in Islam for a woman to wear such a garment. Effectively British justice was forced to surrender to the Minority Mentality.
by Croatalin March 15, 2014
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US Army slang from the Vietnam War. A contraction of evacuated, it means to be removed from a combat zone, by helicopter, to an aid station or hospital and, if the injury or wound is serious enough, back to the United States.
Joe caught some shrapnel in Charlie's last mortar attack; he's bein' evaced back to the States with a stopover for more surgery in Japan.
Shame, now we'll get another FNG.
by Croatalin November 23, 2013
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UFHC - Unfit For Human Consumption. The term was originally applied for meat or other foodstuffs destined for the pet food industry. Its use has now been expanded so that it is applied to persons (male or female) who are truly repulsive and whose presence makes your skin crawl.
Hey, that asshole Georgie is hittin' on Julie again!
Oh man! That guy is really creepy! Totally UFHC
by Croatalin November 23, 2013
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Nemophilia is the love of spending time in forests or woodland; woodland survival training, as practised by the armed forces could, therefore, be considered the equivalent of sex.
Malcolm is such a wanker he thought nemophilia was having sex with a cartoon fish.
by Croatalin December 31, 2014
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