73 definitions by Croatalin

Anosmia means having no sense of smell. If you have anosmia, you can't smell flowers, perfume, or home cooking, which can lead to sufferers becoming intensely depressed. There could be some advantages; when some diseased arsehole lets go a really poisonous fart you won't smell it, even though everyone else has tears in their eyes from trying not to puke. Similarly if you are stuck in a boring lecture next to someone whose BO is blistering the paintwork and has everyone else thinking that there's a malfunction in the sewage works you won't be bothered. On the whole, though, anosmia is pretty shit.
Malcolm suffers from anosmia, he must do, otherwise how does he live with himself?
by Croatalin January 27, 2014
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British slang for obtaining goods or services without having to pay for them. This can be for personal advantage or to further a project or piece of work; it can also be to obtain goods, materials or money for a charitable organisation.
How did you get the job finished so quickly?
Johnny went out scrounging and brought back some plastic piping, brand new, that someone had dumped in a skip.
by Croatalin March 30, 2014
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It's a toilet, or rather the room containing the toilet. It's from a 19th Century Cockney word 'carsey' meaning a privy, and is itself probably derived from the Italian 'casa' meaning house. Interestingly, the original word 'carsey' could also mean a den or brothel! It does make you wonder what the old Cockneys got up to when they went to the toilet.
Malcolm's been in the karzy for an hour!
Crappin' or five finger shufflin'?
With Malcolm you really don't want to know.
by Croatalin February 15, 2014
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British Army slang believed to date from around the time of the Second Boer War 1899 - 1902, so called because smoking caused the troops to gasp for breath when engaged in strenuous exercise.
I'd just got clipped by a Boer bullet, nuffin' serious, so Jack gimme a gasper while he put a dressing on it.
by Croatalin December 2, 2013
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There are a number of different meanings for Jesus Nut among the commonest are:-

a) In US Army slang, to describe something or someone vitally important to an enterprise. Said to come from the mythical Jesus nut that, supposedly, holds on a helicopter’s rotors.
b) In US Army slang, as a term of contempt for someone with an over-inflated opinion of themselves.
c) An overenthusiastic Christian.
a) Jonesie's workin' on the radio again.
Yeah! He knows it's the goddam Jesus Nut when we're on patrol tomorrow.
b) Look at that STRAC REMF struttin' round. Who's he think he is, Jesus Nut to the whole goddam war?
c) That padre is a real Jesus Nut!
by Croatalin December 6, 2013
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Originally a medical term used to describe the pain associated with piles, now used to describe someone who is a pain in the arse. See also rectalgia.
Malcolm must think the boss is suffering from piles, he's got his head so far up the boss's arse it's a suppository.
I don't know about the boss, but Malcolm gives me pygalgia.
by Croatalin December 30, 2014
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Having no money. The expression derives from the Cockney rhyming slang 'boracic lint' which rhymes with skint signifying that the person has no money.
You comin' down the pub, Tel?
Nah mate, I'm boracic.
by Croatalin November 24, 2013
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