84 definitions by Cody

the main part of a man's body to help produce sperm is this area is to be stimulated a man will feel intense amounts of pleasure
the prostate is a walnut kind of shape and feel its felt good when it was touched
by Cody June 23, 2004
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1. A slang term for a fuck buddy!

2. If you are actually going out with the girl, then it just means that she's the girl that gives you what you want.

3. Something to call someone if they start irritating you. Or just a word to call someone because it's funny. nice to put half baked before it.
1. Yo zack, sheniqua is my cunt-muffin!

2. That Ethan kid over there is a half baked cunt-muffin!
by Cody October 16, 2004
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The leftover particles of cocaine after you snort a line, that are rubbed on the gums.
Some powder just flew up my nose, where's my mother fuckin' numby dickwad?
by Cody March 21, 2005
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a blunt containing marijuana, lsd, and cocaine.
Holy shit ive never been so fucked up as when we smoked that jim jones
by Cody December 2, 2004
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Another term for a hyperlick. Often used on forums.
You wanted to see it so, clicky!
by Cody March 8, 2004
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The event in which a person (usually male) exhibits orgasm like symptoms in the presence of a rare and/or exquisetly modified automobile.
"When Nate saw that Lambo sittin on 24 inch blades, he had a car-gasm."
by Cody October 28, 2003
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a man who has NO dates( he is 0 for 1, ofer 1, get it?)
" Jimmy is such an ofer!"
by Cody July 2, 2003
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