84 definitions by Cody

Cannabis Doobie

discreet slang for marijuana
Dude. Lets go burn a CD! *wink*
by Cody July 19, 2004
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A great band who has a mix of metal and classic rock vocals from two different singers. Many compare them to Slipknot, although; they came before slipknot.
Slipknot, Mudvayne, Mushroom Head
by Cody January 4, 2005
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an uber nube, an extreme novice
Etymology: nerdy online PC gamer language, from German uber meaning super
Synonyms: homosexual, jackass, moron
Antonyms: badass, 31337 mo'er fucker
People who waste their lives at LanWerx are nubers.
by Cody September 9, 2003
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A male or female use touches another male or female under the legal age.
He fingered her? But he's grade 11 and shes only grade 6. Hes such a kiddy diddler, lets kick his ass.
by Cody October 20, 2002
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Jizzam is the term for a particulary attractive female, this attraction must be younger and dressed "slutty".
(Girl walks by)
by Cody January 19, 2005
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Ass, Tits, and Twat
Dude, she's got great AT&T.
by Cody December 14, 2003
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