104 definitions by BLAKE

A jizz enema, such as when a man ejaculates into another mans' anus during homosexual activities.
Did you hear Phillip gave Stanley a genema last night?
by BLAKE November 11, 2002
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To move at a quick pace; to speed or quicken pace.
I gotta feed home to eat the hot suppah!
by BLAKE March 25, 2004
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2.the most offensive insult you can think of

you still owe me ten dollars from the time we went to the skatepark, cheeb!

you stupid cheeb

hey cheeb
by BLAKE March 18, 2005
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An Asshat that normally trolls forums looking for posts to correct becuase they have nothing worthwild to add to the thread..
That asshat mike is a grammer nazi and is a freeking troll.
by BLAKE May 6, 2005
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See: all the definitions below.

Granted, many of the stereotypes are true, as is with every state, but for those who have lived there all their lives, they wouldn't want it any other way. Or they want to get the hell out, only to see that it has infected them and find themselves yearning for the seasons, natural beauty and people that have shared the experience of growing up there.

And yes there is Abercrombie in Maine, not just flannel outlets, as well as all those who fit the image, for all the young hip crowd out there.

Stay there for a while, get past some of the podunk stereotypes (or immerse...atv's are the shit) and you might become infected too...

Get the accent, it sets you apart. Who needs r's anyway.
I grew up in Maine and was tired of the stereotypes only to find they were such a small part of the experience.
by BLAKE March 29, 2005
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used as slang for wrong, but pronounced differently, sounding much like Brrr-aaange
shes pretty hot.... WRANG!
Nice hat... WRANG!
by BLAKE April 14, 2004
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One of the greatest rappers ever. He can mix country with hip-hop.
by BLAKE September 6, 2003
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