104 definitions by BLAKE

used as slang for wrong, but pronounced differently, sounding much like Brrr-aaange
shes pretty hot.... WRANG!
Nice hat... WRANG!
by BLAKE April 14, 2004
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One of the greatest rappers ever. He can mix country with hip-hop.
by BLAKE September 6, 2003
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Area between the nads and the ass
My kerchief reeks cuz I rubbed it all over my nass.
by BLAKE November 11, 2002
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A noun describing a girl with a lot of sex appeal.
Brittni has da sexyness! Look at that ass. Awwww damn! Skeet Skeet boys!
by BLAKE March 12, 2004
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Ancient device used to connect over phone lines.
yo man i just got a v.90 modem!! i'm 31337.
by BLAKE September 19, 2003
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what alex does
"ohmygod gilmore girls was on last night and blah blah blah lorelai blah blah blah luke blah blah blah love..." etc.
by BLAKE May 5, 2004
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when you manage to cum on your bitch and have the cum drip from all sides. you then yell WHITE SPIDER and smile
i didnt have to pay cause i acheived a white spider
by BLAKE October 10, 2004
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