A phenomenon that occurs when you send an email to someone at the same time that they email you. Both of you then answer the other's emails and you go out of sync - creating two strands of conversation that occasionally cover the same ground.

Quite irritating, but not really much you can do about it other than wait for the other person to get both mails and think that you aren't replying anymore.
"Hi I think our emails are crossing again"


"Sure I'm up for playing naked chess with you later"


"Did you get my last email?"


"Oh, are they?"


"Naked what?"
by kreza November 4, 2004
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To stare at something when you should naturally look quickly away from.

Comes from the saying "took advantage"
some girl1: "I was getting changed and was completely nude when some guy walked in on me"

some girl2:did he look advantage of you?

some girl1: yes, he stared at me, didnt saying the whole time and wouldnt stop even after I covered up!
by some person August 1, 2004
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v. to clown, clowning, clowned. To laugh, make fun of, or find joy in a person or event. Almost always used in a derogatory or degrading fashion.

n. A fool or jester; someone that you laugh at or "clown" at.
1. "I can't wait till I hear you say
'I'm going down, mayday, mayday.' I'm gonna clown." - Ice Cube, "Ghetto Bird"

2. Hah hah Lorenzo just dropped his sack in front of a narc, what a clown!
by thug4life October 4, 2002
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the act of engaging in intelligent and interesting conversation. Topics range from sex to nerdy subjects.
I enjoyed our mental intercourse today. Perhaps again, tommorrow?
by John June 20, 2004
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A Milestone in a new relationship were both parties male and female feel at ease when breaking wind in front of one another thus getting quite accustomed to it.
" you've been with that bird for time and your not even on Farting Terms yet, do you have to go the bathroom every time you need to rasp? "
by John Gaskell April 9, 2004
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Non Committal Make Out
Yo he just got some NCMO from butterface.
by Steve April 2, 2003
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A device for communicating with others needlessly. Day in. Day out. Whenever. Wherever. Good for holding up lines in stores, traffic, etc. Also the latest technology found in ghettos-overtaking the more common "boom box".
Typical cell phone conversation: Hey, where you at? I'm over here. Oh. What? I dunno. I'll be there in 5 seconds....oh wait I can see you! Hey! Whats up? Wait...let me call you back. Why? Huh? Can you here me? Guess what? My phone bill was only $90 this month. Etc.....
by Hooper January 24, 2004
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