15 definitions by guided fox

Mean Time Between Failure
Way to quantify the performance of a machine or part.
MTBF = (Total Time of all Parts run) / (Total number of failures)
Good if all parts fail.
Bad if very few of the parts fail. It is very deceptive in this case.
A hypothetical machine generally runs between 60 and 100 hours before failing.

If you run 3 of them for a total of 240 hours, and all 3 fail, you have a MTBF of 80 hours per failure. Makes sense.

If you run 100 of them in an application where the job is complete after 50 hours, at which point you don't run it again, it is possible that only 10 or so will fail. MTBF could be about (90*50 + 10*25) / (10) = 475 hours per failure. This is insane, since you would be lucky if a single tool made it to 200 hours or continuous operation.
by guided fox July 8, 2006
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Word created and defined by Scott Adams

"Philosophy for the sole purpose of entertainment, not enlightenment"

"It doesn’t try to be right, or further our understanding of reality. In fact, the best arguments of philosotainment are clearly wrong, but no two people can agree why. Sorting it out is the point. The fun of philosotainment is in finding out something about your own thinking compared to your fellow humans. The particular topic of discussion is nothing but the vehicle for that journey."
"My first commercial philosotainment was my book, God’s Debris. The readers that understood what it was usually enjoyed it. The philosophy majors who wondered why it didn’t further their understandings of the universe were literally furious."
by guided fox February 21, 2007
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Word created and defined by Scott Adams

"Philosophy for the sole purpose of entertainment, not enlightenment"

"It doesn’t try to be right, or further our understanding of reality. In fact, the best arguments of philosotainment are clearly wrong, but no two people can agree why. Sorting it out is the point. The fun of philosotainment is in finding out something about your own thinking compared to your fellow humans. The particular topic of discussion is nothing but the vehicle for that journey."
"My first commercial philosotainment was my book, God’s Debris. The readers that understood what it was usually enjoyed it. The philosophy majors who wondered why it didn’t further their understandings of the universe were literally furious."
by guided fox February 19, 2007
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City name.

In modern times accounts for cites in Michigan, New York, Alabama, Illinois, Missouri, and Montana (in order of importance as determined by Google).

From the 3rd millennium BC to around the 4th century AD, it refers to a series of 9 cities overlaid on top of each other in what is now western Turkey.
Troy, MI is the 2nd largest city in the state based on total property value (Detroit is #1)

Troy VII is most likely the city refered to in Homer's Iliad.
by guided fox July 4, 2005
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Go Ahead
Web speak to quickly let someone know to move on, and not to wait for you
Guy1: <Question 1>
Guy2: <First part of answer>
Guy2: <second part> GA
Guy1: <Question 2>
by guided fox March 14, 2006
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An idea stolen by the government from the people who ran them illegally. Many states send a percentage of lottery revenue to the public school system.
People are going to play the lottery whether is it legal on not, so why not let the government control it?
In Texas, 30% of revenue is reserved for public schools while only 7% goes to the lottery commission.
by guided fox April 4, 2005
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City in Texas, home of the Texas Tech Red Raiders. Known for it's incredible lack of trees, water and hills, as well as it's insane mass of dust, wind, and trucks.
Lubbock is a great place to live, but you wouldn't want to visit...
In Lubbock, you could watch your dog run away for three days...
by guided fox May 3, 2004
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