15 definitions by guided fox

on the make

guy1: how does it feel to be on the make again?
guy2: what decade did you learn that from?
by guided fox May 28, 2006
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This summer, I was incharge of 8 kids at my church's VBS.
by guided fox July 1, 2005
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The number 1 best place for a black in the United States to start a business.
Too many white people have too negative a view of Detroit.
by guided fox February 22, 2005
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below reproach

Technically Requiring correction, but has in itself become an admonishment.

Take off on "above reproach", which means that an individual is so good that you cannot correct him.
This is Reproach --->
This is you --->
by guided fox August 14, 2005
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OEL Manga

Original English Language Manga
Since "Manga" implies a Japanese Author/Artist/Audience, the phrase "OEL Manga" was created to accurately describe a genre of Comics. It is drawn in a style of Manga by an English speaking individual for an English speaking audience. It is not a fan work of other English of Japanese comics.
Megatokyo is an excelent example of OEL Manga
by guided fox November 3, 2005
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American Go Association

An organization of just over 2000 Go playing individuals centered in the United States, but including clubs in other countries as well.
The AGA is responsible for Organizing tournaments and other events while maintaining a national rating system.
by guided fox August 12, 2005
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Go Ahead
Web speak to quickly let someone know to move on, and not to wait for you
Guy1: <Question 1>
Guy2: <First part of answer>
Guy2: <second part> GA
Guy1: <Question 2>
by guided fox March 14, 2006
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