11 definitions by MandyM

The mental state achieved when one wants to avoid the unpleasant or uncomfortble. Everyone's happy place is different, and usually consists of the things that make them joyous.
Mindlessidiot: "...and so I was like, that's so disgusting. You should get that checked out, and he goes..."
Semi-saneperson: "Dude, shut the crap up. I'm in my happy place!"
(Mindless idiot continues rambling aimlessly until Semi-sane person smacks them with a bag of frozen fish sticks.)
by MandyM November 16, 2005
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The action of estimation is worthless.
~Does not seem like a real word and/or proper definition, though it is. Made popular by commercial depicting kid in spelling bee. F-L-O-C -I-N-A-U-C -I-N-I-H-I-L-I -P-I-L-I -P-H-I-C -A-T-I-O-N
"Your word is: flocinaucinihilipiliphication"
"Can you use that in a sentence?"
by MandyM March 18, 2006
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The freakin' most awesome game to come out of the 90's.
However, when asked, most people will go "Huh?" and walk away. I thought I was the only person who remembered pogs...
John- "OMG I was going through my shtuff last night and I found this huge box of pogs!!"
Me- "Yesss!"
Idiot 1- "Huh?" (walks away)
by MandyM November 5, 2005
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Public Displays of Affection, can be seen in the form of kissing, touching, groping, licking, nuzzling, cuddling, crossing hands into each other's opposite back pockets, etc. Usually spotted among new couples, frisky teenagers, and occasionally the "young at heart" (god help us).

Also, a handheld computer of sorts.
Jen and Craig's PDAs at the table were so intense that there was actually slobber on the green bean casserole.

Look at my new PDA!
by MandyM October 31, 2005
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1)clear, lemon-lime soda, sometimes used to settle the stomach
2)a game (usually played in grade school classrooms) in which there are 7 people "up" in front and who must silently walk around room pushing down the thumbs of those remaining in their seats with their heads down and sticking up thier thumb. Those whose thumbs are down must then guess who pushed said thumb.
1) I drank six 7-ups earlier, and i think i'm going to yak.
2) Our game of 7-up had to be called off because Billy had on his x-ray glasses.
by MandyM October 31, 2005
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(There are many different spellings for this word.)
Word used to describe the combination of the holidays Christmas, Hannukah, and Quanzaa, either referring to as a whole or to the holiday season in general, so as not to be biased. Or just 'cause it sounds cool.
by MandyM December 10, 2005
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A term used to describe the accidental or purposeful attachment of a beverage can (particularly beer) to the bottom of ones shoe by stepping on it. This usually results in a slight elevation in height as well as a satisfying clink-clunk sound when walking. Extremely entertaining until they fall off.
I had to stop laughing when the cop told Emily to take off her beer sandals while inside the restaurant.

His beer sandals made the perfect clink-clunk sound until he lost them in the mud.
by MandyM April 3, 2006
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