Alerting your friends and co-workers when someone nearby has just farted.
I was sitting in my cubicle and smelled something rotten in the air. I wish someone would have given an "Egg Alert" before I sat down to eat my lunch.
by Evil Eggs November 14, 2010
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"coming out of the cupboard" is a figure of speech for popular or non popular people's disclosure of their secret obsession for Harry Potter.
The term comes from the well know phrase "coming out of the closet" which refers to a person revealing that they are gay/lesbian.
The "closet" part is replaced by "cupboard" because, as we know, Harry Potter lived in the "cupboard under the stairs" in the beginning of the book series.
I guess I'm finally coming out of the cupboard. I didn't really want people to know I was secretly obsessed with Harry Potter
by pmpknqueen October 7, 2010
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When desperate housewives mix Lattes with pain killers to get through their day.
I find Pill-Lattes helps me stay mentally in shape. I take one one skinny sugar free vanilla no foam latte with a hydrocodone then drop the kids off at school, and then I go to book club or the Y until its time to pick the kids back up.
by floorfly November 13, 2010
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When someone builds their self esteem from self help books.
My coworker just added Dr. Phil to her shelf esteem library, now everyday at lunch its Dr. P said this Dr. P said that.
by floorfly November 13, 2010
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the best excuse to get what you want.
Continue buying SUVs or the terrorists have won.
Repeal the Constitution or the terrorists have won.
Dance naked in front of me or the terrorists have won.
by the dez May 17, 2006
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TSA rating for airport, naked body scan images.
Scanner Operator: "Hey Sarge, check out these X-rayted pics that I scanned this afternoon".
by quicksilverdime February 2, 2010
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