Is said when a person is dissed or strongly parred.
John: I heard your mum got impregnated by a javelin.
Elvis: WOOF
by Dench Neuf Mandem October 16, 2012
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word that is used to describe someone (usually a girl) who is ugly or unattractive
"buzz...your girlfriend... woof!" - kevin, from Home Alone
by headycheese April 11, 2006
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When a young person throws caution to the wind, rejects their material possessions and travels the world working on organic farms for the World Wide Opportunities on Organic Farms organization. They pay for the plane ticket, but then have free room and board in exchange for back breaking labor on an organic farm.
"Have you heard from Elisha lately?"
" No, I heard she was Woofing on a Costa Rican Pineapple plantation."
by Mooper January 15, 2013
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refers to a girl who is extremely hot
Bro you see that girl.... woof
by Mattyice2121 February 9, 2017
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Said in response to something incredibly 'manly' or testosterone-fueled.

A form of acknowledgment in response to a 'manly' act
Man A: Bru, I just benched 120kg
Man B: Woof!

"I just ate an entire turkey and washed it down with seven pints without vomming...Woof!"
by Jakewithabigsnake April 17, 2007
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word used to imitate a dog bark
"Lemme hear ya say, Woof mothafucka.. Woof mothafucka.. bow wow wow yippie yo yippie yay"
by snoopid September 14, 2004
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The sound a dog makes when it barks.
Dog: Woof! Woof!
Me: Shut up woofer
by Spaoggers April 22, 2020
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