2 definitions by Jakewithabigsnake

Said in response to something incredibly 'manly' or testosterone-fueled.

A form of acknowledgment in response to a 'manly' act
Man A: Bru, I just benched 120kg
Man B: Woof!

"I just ate an entire turkey and washed it down with seven pints without vomming...Woof!"
by Jakewithabigsnake April 17, 2007
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Said in response to something incredibly 'manly' or testosterone-fueled.

A form of acknowledgment in response to a 'manly' act
Man A: Bru, I just benched 120kg
Man B: Woof!

"I just ate an entire turkey and washed it down with seven pints without vomming...Woof!"
by Jakewithabigsnake April 17, 2007
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