the act of sneaking up behind someone and moving your hand quickly back and forth between their knees, making the victim believe there is a fish between their legs.
The victim is at first overcome by confusion, which results generally in a high leaping motion followed by anger and rage once they realize what has happened.
The victim is at first overcome by confusion, which results generally in a high leaping motion followed by anger and rage once they realize what has happened.
person1: should I sneak up on joe and trout him?
person2: definately.
*sneak and trout*
person2: definately.
*sneak and trout*
by airstrike78 February 11, 2010
a type of tramming but under the influence of alcohol. Caught in the act of being emo or having a negative effect on all of those around you while under the influence of a substance.
by tyrone crack biggums August 12, 2010
george next door got a job in a fish canning factory so he could sidle off to the bog in his break and have a trouting session. he would then sneak the used fish back on to the production line.
by theWestHamfan December 8, 2003
to lie ontop of one's friend/ partner (preferrably not strangers as it could get a tad awkward) and flop your body up and down like a wet fish, being sure to keep your arms straight at your sides at all time. Often used to initiate sexy time.
by fo shizzle hizzle April 2, 2009
When someone gets so smashed that they do not remember what they did and did not make it to a social event, and are in no state for society.
by JJBmister October 21, 2011
Trout = 40 something male hanging out in clubs looking for younger females to prey on. (male Cougar)
by Ivan1738 September 20, 2007
A man who likes to date younger women (i.e. he swims downstream in age); Antonym = salmon (a guy who likes to date older women, or swims upstream in age). Synonym = male cougar
by sunshark May 6, 2009