to touch someone lightly in certain regions that causes peculiar sensations, reflexive movements, involuntary laughter
by Marty October 17, 2003
A way of touching someone causing immediate pleasure and delight that is acceptable in public and in front of family
Mike enjoys ticking Kerri because he can do it anywhere and she laughs and screams.
Kerri likes to tickle Mike and to be tickled when there is family is around because it is an 'ok' way of being all over eachother.
Kerri likes to tickle Mike and to be tickled when there is family is around because it is an 'ok' way of being all over eachother.
by Kerri December 11, 2004
by mangohead18 May 14, 2013
Colloquial Southern phrase from the US, meaning to find something funny or to be overcome with mirth.
by vozdelsur December 3, 2013
The act of stroking another's body lightly, so as to cause involuntary twitching, squirming, and laughter. Used for foreplay, fun, or torture.
by Husnock September 19, 2003
One of the worst forms of torture. Can cause uncontrollable screaming, convulsions, loss of bladder control, inability to breath, and sobbing.
by Zetazglobin February 23, 2011