An ancient device to keep paper internets safe when transferring information at 3 to 5 bits per hour across the Earth.
Steve: I need to send this piece of internets to my friend Unka Mika in Cameroon ASAP! What do I do?
Linda: I have some envelopes in my floor safe with other antiquities. I'll sell you one for 50 bucks.
by TheDarkFlower June 23, 2009
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A sexual technique where the penis is licked from one end to the other, along the side, with rapid tongue movement similar to licking an envelope.

Similar to corn on the cob, but the lips are not pressed to the penis.
Before she blew me last night, she did the harmonica, the ice cream cone, and the envelope on my cock
by bjmike November 7, 2010
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You lick it. It is shoved in your slot.
Weeee, sexual innuendo time! Envelope! Whipped cream! Pipe cleaners!
by Elley Chaos April 26, 2003
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to ejaculate between a woman's asscheeks and hold together until they're stuck shut.
After I gave her the envelope her shit got stuck up her asshole, it was hilarious.
by Charles Monroe March 30, 2005
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A overly skinny, pale, white female. Most likely a scenester, but exceptions do apply (see Ellen Page).
Me: "Man, i got a cellular text message from Rebecca"
Friend: "Oh, is that so? Do you plan on having sexual intercourse with her?"
Me: "No sir, that bitch is a total envelope"
by blandz17 September 3, 2009
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The act of a female putting her vagina on a males penis.
Envelopment is usually done during intercourse but can also be a form of rape.
Sam watched as his girlfriend enveloped his penis with her vagina and began to thrust.
The envelopment felt good.
by Thewrinklyballsack June 28, 2015
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the common sweedish sport of riding in envalopes off steap inclines made famous by the rider Edvinkal Von Vorbnik
"wow did you see that hes going down without licked sides and wow no stamp now thats some cool enveloping"
by kaaos_crust January 20, 2007
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