by jerry pearson October 24, 2013
by Sub Zenyth April 8, 2005
That chick was so plastered.
by Ames Hill October 29, 2007
Being heavily f-cked up due to a horribly enormous consumption of alchohol. Can be fun, but be sure to carefully pick out which clothes to throw up on.
person 1. ey buudy i fuckn luv u man....
person 2. but bud... u dont even relly kno me...
person 1. Im gonna puke....
person 2. wait fer me man....
both: shit guy, wer f-ckin plastered.
person 2. but bud... u dont even relly kno me...
person 1. Im gonna puke....
person 2. wait fer me man....
both: shit guy, wer f-ckin plastered.
by Aaron#66756 September 29, 2005
Plaster is just another word for Band-Aid. They are used to protect a small cuts and wounds from infection.
by Logansmorf April 19, 2004
To be so completely shitfaced drunk that you are barely even able to have a good time. This is the final stage before alcohol poisoning.
by Chronus Pseudonymous February 28, 2018
by Diamond March 8, 2003