
Rick couldn't handle drinking; he was plastered in under an hour.
by Sub Zenyth April 8, 2005
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Drunk: when you drink a shitload of booze
by Ames Hill October 29, 2007
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To be so completely shitfaced drunk that you are barely even able to have a good time. This is the final stage before alcohol poisoning.
"Dude, Adam was totally plastered last night, we almost had to take him to the hospital."
by Chronus Pseudonymous February 28, 2018
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Where a guy's balls are so sweaty, that his sack is "plastered" to his legs. Having ones balls "plastered" usually results in having to peel the nut sack off of the inside of the leg when one itches his nuts or pisses.
"Dude, it's like a damn sauna in here, my nuts are plastered."

"Want me to get the spatula to help peel it off?
by Domesapp December 7, 2013
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A sincere and beautiful girl, who has found love. Usually has blonde hair and blue eyes. This person will never leave the person they love.
That girl is so plastered for him
by yoyoyo1984 June 11, 2014
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Being heavily f-cked up due to a horribly enormous consumption of alchohol. Can be fun, but be sure to carefully pick out which clothes to throw up on.
person 1. ey buudy i fuckn luv u man....
person 2. but bud... u dont even relly kno me...
person 1. Im gonna puke....
person 2. wait fer me man....
both: shit guy, wer f-ckin plastered.
by Aaron#66756 September 29, 2005
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