
something that is so adorable that it ceases to be cute.
its just coote.
1: "omg that puppy is trying to climb into a slipper!"

by donttrustzombies November 22, 2010
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n. A derivative of coot. An Old English word describing the likeness to a water fowl that at appears stupid at first, but on further inspection is highly intelligent and simply being a twat to amuse his/herself for no reason other than their own entertainment. Even if their actions are detrimental to their status amongst others
'What's up with that prick over there-I don't think he's funny'
No, he's just being a bit of a coote. As long as it keeps him happy I'd ignore him.
by wilkins19 January 16, 2010
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something that is so adorable that it ceases to be cute.
its just coote.
1: "omg that puppy is trying to climb into a slipper!"

by donttrustzombies November 22, 2010
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coot coot

I told that bitch to shut up or I'd kick her in the coot coot. Yeah...
by VIRGIL January 29, 2005
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The Coot

To crash one's car.

Term originates from 'Crash Bandicoot'.
You crash a car, you become 'The Coot'!
by The Original Coot May 27, 2009
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1. A dark-gray water dwelling bird resembling a duck.
2. A foolish old man.
3. Seeing how the USC football sucks so consistently, it seems rather offending to good poultry everywhere to call them Gamecocks, so a "coot" is a much more realistic symbol for such an inept football program.
1) Any coots arrested today?

2) He meant jorts, as in jean shorts; you know, the staple of every Coot's wardrobe. -CUhoopster48®
by Pitchfork Ben April 19, 2007
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Something so cute it is beyond cute and goes to a whole other level of cuteness
Kieran: Celene, you are sooo coot!
Celene: Shup!
by kierz2 November 13, 2009
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