While normally considered a racial slur, the word "gypsy" (in the US) refers to a person of Romani heritage. As with all cultures and groups, there are good and bad. They should not all be lumped into one group.
I have met Rom that have stolen from my store, and I have met many Rom that have been wonderful, paying customers for years. You simply cannot blame an entire race of people for the misdeeds of a few. Are all whites bad? No. All blacks? No.
The Romani in the US are not ethnically similar to the "Chav" or "Travellers" in the UK. At least in the US, the Romani that I have met dress very modestly, and are not bad people. They tend to have strong family values, and they take it very seriously.
I have met Rom that have stolen from my store, and I have met many Rom that have been wonderful, paying customers for years. You simply cannot blame an entire race of people for the misdeeds of a few. Are all whites bad? No. All blacks? No.
The Romani in the US are not ethnically similar to the "Chav" or "Travellers" in the UK. At least in the US, the Romani that I have met dress very modestly, and are not bad people. They tend to have strong family values, and they take it very seriously.
by AuntieCracker March 4, 2011
A Gypsy is a member of a racial/ethnic group known as the Romani, generally characterized by darker skin and black hair. The largest population of Gypsies now lives in Eastern Europe, however communities of Gypsies can be found in many countries around the world. They first originated in India sometime before 400 AD, and began a nomadic lifestyle that eventually took many of them to Europe. From one initial community in India they have developed into several tribes that exist from India to Spain and from Russia to Northern Africa, and each tribe consists of countless clans, which vary dramatically in culture and lifestyle depending on which tribe and clan and even family they belong to. Clans usually specialize in a single, or few trades, such as horsemanship, fishing, music, dance and entertainment, metal working, and fortune telling.
They have endured much racial discrimination in the past, which still continues today.
They have endured much racial discrimination in the past, which still continues today.
by intothewest May 23, 2015
Descendant of the original Indian travellers who arrived in Western Europe after the downfall of the Byzantine empire in the 15th Century. The called themselves the 'Lords of Little Egypt' which contracted to Egyptians, Gyptians and eventually Gypsies or Gyppos. Little Egypt was the name given to the area we now call Turkey.
by klidenengro January 30, 2004
1. A person from Romani descent. An ethnic race with origins from India. They are an often persecuted and hated people among outsiders or gadji (Romani term for non-Romani) due to the immense prejudice and derogatory stereo-types believed by most people.
2. A person whom chooses to travel, and does not possess permanent residence or stability. This term is often referred to anyone practicing such a lifestyle regardless of ethnicity or background.
3. Something that is in character, ownership, or pertaining to the Romani. (ie: This is a gypsy dance; my gypsy friend is funny; you have a gypsy sense of style)
1. A person from Romani descent. An ethnic race with origins from India. They are an often persecuted and hated people among outsiders or gadji (Romani term for non-Romani) due to the immense prejudice and derogatory stereo-types believed by most people.
2. A person whom chooses to travel, and does not possess permanent residence or stability. This term is often referred to anyone practicing such a lifestyle regardless of ethnicity or background.
3. Something that is in character, ownership, or pertaining to the Romani. (ie: This is a gypsy dance; my gypsy friend is funny; you have a gypsy sense of style)
"I am a Gypsy trying to educate the ignorant about our race."
"A Gypsy bleeds the same blood as you do. We are all human when it comes to the reality of things."
"No, Borat. The gypsy does not want to eat your 'KHRUM'."
"A Gypsy bleeds the same blood as you do. We are all human when it comes to the reality of things."
"No, Borat. The gypsy does not want to eat your 'KHRUM'."
by Romani Girl November 12, 2006
by Karl Stefanovic69 November 7, 2018
(Let's clear up a little ignorance, shall we?)
noun- 1. a person of Romani descent. The Roma never referred to themselves as gypsies; this is actually a misnomer, in the same way that Columbus saw the Native Americas and mistakenly called them Indian. The name gypsy comes from Latin-speakers who thought they fit the dark-skinned idea of Egyptians. True romani are not thieves or social scum, but have been prosecuted for centuries as such. In fact, during the Holocaust, they were exterminated in the same way that Slavs & Jews were. Still, for what ever reason, the stigmas and stereotypes still exist. Real roma reside in many countries such as England, Spain, Italy, and some eastern bloc countries. The only reason why so many Romani live in ghettos is because of overt racism. Because they have been persecuted for so long, there aren't any roma rights groups, and as such, the cycle of poverty persists.
2. The other group called 'gypsy' aren't gypsies at all. They are actually 'Irish Travellers' and thought of as an ethnic group in the UK, though the Irish government doesn't consider them as such. They are known for being lazy, disgusting, inbred thieves who resort to all types of faggotry in order make cash. Their cunt activities include but are not limited to: theft- (car, shoe, clothing, misc); tarmacking one's driveway for some unknown and probably retarded reason, breaking & entering the residences of retired old people, and much more. Biologists believe that these so called gypsies scent mark and will attack anyone who does not smell as putrid as they do. The natural enemy of the pikey is taxes- so much as mentioning the dreaded word will send them running away in hordes, not to mention soiling their already questionable pants. Typical pikey attire includes cheap shirts, track suits, stolen trainers, and whatever they can steal off someones back, regardless if it fits or not. They lack a language and instead, communicate through a series of guttural snorts, snarls, and spits that is produced by grinding the English language down to the gritty dregs and adding a dollop of mutilated Irish. Avoid at all costs. The only effective way to get rid of a pikey infestation is to hose down the grotty little creatures with soap, mouthwash, holy water and force them to get a job.
verb- To steal or in any other way, behave like a 'gypsy pike'
adjective- indicative of lecherous traits; prone to theft and often precedding the word 'traveller' and synonymous with 'scum'
noun- 1. a person of Romani descent. The Roma never referred to themselves as gypsies; this is actually a misnomer, in the same way that Columbus saw the Native Americas and mistakenly called them Indian. The name gypsy comes from Latin-speakers who thought they fit the dark-skinned idea of Egyptians. True romani are not thieves or social scum, but have been prosecuted for centuries as such. In fact, during the Holocaust, they were exterminated in the same way that Slavs & Jews were. Still, for what ever reason, the stigmas and stereotypes still exist. Real roma reside in many countries such as England, Spain, Italy, and some eastern bloc countries. The only reason why so many Romani live in ghettos is because of overt racism. Because they have been persecuted for so long, there aren't any roma rights groups, and as such, the cycle of poverty persists.
2. The other group called 'gypsy' aren't gypsies at all. They are actually 'Irish Travellers' and thought of as an ethnic group in the UK, though the Irish government doesn't consider them as such. They are known for being lazy, disgusting, inbred thieves who resort to all types of faggotry in order make cash. Their cunt activities include but are not limited to: theft- (car, shoe, clothing, misc); tarmacking one's driveway for some unknown and probably retarded reason, breaking & entering the residences of retired old people, and much more. Biologists believe that these so called gypsies scent mark and will attack anyone who does not smell as putrid as they do. The natural enemy of the pikey is taxes- so much as mentioning the dreaded word will send them running away in hordes, not to mention soiling their already questionable pants. Typical pikey attire includes cheap shirts, track suits, stolen trainers, and whatever they can steal off someones back, regardless if it fits or not. They lack a language and instead, communicate through a series of guttural snorts, snarls, and spits that is produced by grinding the English language down to the gritty dregs and adding a dollop of mutilated Irish. Avoid at all costs. The only effective way to get rid of a pikey infestation is to hose down the grotty little creatures with soap, mouthwash, holy water and force them to get a job.
verb- To steal or in any other way, behave like a 'gypsy pike'
adjective- indicative of lecherous traits; prone to theft and often precedding the word 'traveller' and synonymous with 'scum'
That gypsy pike stole my lawn chair!
Have a looka at that gypsy broad- shes got more rings than she does fingers!
The Kalderash clan from romania are a productive, hard working family of respected blacksmiths- not the filth they're portrayed as!
Have a looka at that gypsy broad- shes got more rings than she does fingers!
The Kalderash clan from romania are a productive, hard working family of respected blacksmiths- not the filth they're portrayed as!
by The Grammar Ninja August 14, 2009
A traveling group of homeless people who are brownish to eastern european-ish. Women always wear skirts (a lot of the denim skirts with ugly shoes). Usually hooded with missing/golden tooth. They do organized pickpocketing and also organized theft. They are generally bad people.
Yo, I wanna visit Justin in Madrid, but I heard there are hella gypsies there.
My dad taught me at a young age to spot a gypsy.
My dad taught me at a young age to spot a gypsy.
by Uncle Ricky 69 June 3, 2018