Wandering around without stopping to settle down in one place for very long.
Living the rock star lifestyle means you often have to be nomadic, always traveling from city to city to play gigs.
by Masstastic August 26, 2014
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1.one without a home who moves around or travels freely without ties holding them back.

2.a constant or full-time traveler
As a nomad Mark has live in many exotic places such as, India, Peru, Fiji, and Nigeria.
by MJ De La Cruz April 15, 2009
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the act of wandering travel with purposeful intent
I am going nomadicing around the world to show my toddler the beauty of this planet
by Nomadicing January 21, 2018
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To be forced/pressured into paying the bill when your employer invites you to lunch or dinner
The boss just invited me to lunch, and nomaded me.

I just got nomaded by my boss.
by Koolius November 20, 2012
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To travel or live as a nomad while working remotely.
I plan to nomadicate next year and work from different countries while exploring new cultures.
by UltraSmartGuy April 25, 2023
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1. Offensive slang for a homeless person; often paired with 'dirty' (ex. "you dirty nomad").
2. One who does not have a place within society, a group of friends, sports team etc... and as such, is prone to stealing, begging and imposing themselves in inappropriate places.
"Look at all the dirty nomads in the shelter"
"Why should I give that dirty nomad money, he's just going to spend it all on drugs and alcohol"
"Taylor is such a nomad, no one wants him here at all"
by 10 Schaffer January 4, 2011
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The Nomad. A mysterious formation of unrelentless trolling and undeniable talent. The lone wonderer ventures the world of the internet searching for a worthy challenge to satisfy his need to destroy all competition. If you see him enter your server, disconnect immediately. For he will crush your spirits and your score. He possesses no weakness, those who have sought one, have perished horribly. Run. That is your only option.
the Nomad "Aww the Nomad's joined"
"This guy is incredible"
"He's part of the 1% of skilled gamers."
the Nomad
by Jms19011 November 22, 2010
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