a group of mentally ill people that seem to get triggered over small irreverent things like the AC, "manspreading" they also have to hate men, typically 300 LB over waite odd color dyed hair. they also tend to make public scenes take gender studies class and make false rape and sexual harassment allegations for simply disliking someone are to get out of a problem.
ug she a feminist best watch out there going to accuse you of rape for looking at them
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Someone who supports the empowerment of women. Traditionally to the point of equality with men. Some go too far, many don't. Not to be confused with Feminazi; women who take feminism too far and assault men, and who are used as a straw-man argument by neck-beards who are intimidated by something they don't understand (women).
1. I'm a feminist because there are gender-based issues that must still be addressed by our society as a whole
2. BlahblahblahFeminaziblahblahBitchblahblahFeminist are evilblahblahKitchenblahblahtinypenis.
by very sad man December 3, 2017
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A person, typically a woman, who claims to support equal rights regarding sex and gender but are actually battling each other for the title of 'Most Opressed'. Someone who wishes to get rid of things that offend or trigger them, instead of realizing not everyone is going to be nice to you or have the same views. Feminists often advocate for minorities because they consider themselves to be involved in this group even if they are a wealthy white woman. They chant about respect towards black people, people within the lgbtq community (specifically variations of transgender and/or queer people), and all other races/genders/sexualities. But because of the display in which they show support, they hurt the validity and/or reputation of the groups they try to defend. Especially when they speak of a group they know little to nothing about or have no personal experience with. BUT ITS OKAY BECAUSE WOMEN ARE TOTALLY OPRESSED TOO IN MODERN DAY AMERICA !!
Young misguided feminist: There are so many things I want to do with my life that I can't because I'm oppressed every day by lack of non-sexual female representation in video games and the patriarchy. I'm totally not just limiting myself based on an ideology that has no place in the western world because everyone on tumblr agrees with me !
by nervousyounginhuman April 4, 2016
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More PC word for Fat-Arsed-Dyke
by GAH! November 8, 2006
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won't care for gay people... or straight people for that matter
Girl: Hey! get down from from there! i know gay marriage is wrong and all that, but if they want to get it done, let them.
Crowd: Awww,
Guy: >=( feminist bitch!
Crowd: what???
by your best idiot March 14, 2010
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A large whale who screams misogyny falsely and wears pink, blue or green hair
"Those feminists claimed the man raped her by looking at her ."
by Body Positive Feminist May 13, 2017
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A women or man who fights for the advocacy of women's rights on the grounds of political, social, and economic equality to men.
I hate when people mix up feminist and feminazi
by Xxtiti_ramirezxX July 27, 2016
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